"My mind feels a 100 times lighter with a 60 lb bag on my back...
Mon esprit me paraît 100 fois plus léger avec un sac de 25 kg sur le dos..."
~~~~~~~~~~ Virginie

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Sydney, here we come... or not!

Alors que je faisais mon massage de visage d'une heure ce matin, Olivier regardait ses mails. On se retrouve à la fin, il vérifie mon état de relaxation avant de m'annoncer qu'il nous faut des visas pour entrer sur le sol australien. Branle bas de combat, G.O. a mal fait son boulot!!! On se voit déjà partir rapidement pour Bangkok pour aller à l'ambassade de France ou d'Australie. Il s'agit d'une nouvelle loi datant d'octobre. J'avais vérifié la Thailande, le Laos, le Cambodge, mais l'Australie....

Bref, un bon coup de stress avant de quitter Koh Mak la tranquille! Heureusement il y avait internet sur l'île, et nous devrions pouvoir nous envoler samedi soir pour Sydney sans difficultés!! Deux mois de vacances sans plan vraiment précis me font perdre mon statut de G.O. aux yeux d'Olivier ;-)

While I was enjoying my face massage on the beach this morning, Olivier was checking his e-mails. After checking on my level of relaxation, he announced that we needed visas to enter Australia in 2 days. That was quite a shock (especially for the organizational freak that I am!!). I had checked the visa status of Thailand, Laos, and Cambodia, but it did not even cross my mind that we needed one for Australia!!!

So we spent 10 minutes walking on the beach thinking about heading fast to Bangkok to go to the French or Aussie embassy. But we finally managed to obtain a visa on-line! We should therefore be on Sunday in Australia! First time on the southern hemisphere! But I have lost my organizational credentials! A two month vacation is too relaxing for me to plan!


  1. Oops! Let me know what you are up to!

  2. We are fine. We did the ETA on-line, and anyway some friends told us there is a way to do it once you arrive in Sydney. We were worried as the website said that if you do not have the visa you cannot board the plane! That would have been quite a change of plan!

    We are spending Sunday with our friends. I will call you Sunday night to see when and where we can meet. They live in the Darlington (?) area.

    See U soon
